Amanda White, a Trilogy: The Full Package (3 Amazing vídeos!)

Two and a half hours of great material!!

Amanda White is an amazing 22 years old girl. She’s on a journey. On a journey of self-discovery. And through her path, she helps some other girls to embrace short haircuts and be free from the Mass Media orders, and control. They’re finding freedom, and they express it with their short haircuts, as Victoria says in this interview…
Pack Included:
  • Mullet to fade: 00:52:28
  • Reshave with razor fade: 00:43:35
  • Amanda Sessions: 00:20:53


This is another level. We took it to the next level. Do you know why? because we believe that we deserve nice things too. And We’re generating them! Amanda White is an exceptional human being, and we wanted to share with you a brief glimpse of her power. The music is her choice, so it will be like if you were there, with her. Ok, to be honest, her first music choice was Billie Eilish. But I’m afraid to say that we couldn’t reach an agreement with them. They were asking for a lot of money. Anyway, who knows? Maybe in a not that distant future? Amanda could convince her to get faded! We know she can!!
You will enjoy this, my friend! But the best part is that you’re getting to know an amazing and beautiful human being, who is like one of us. She likes baby powder, sure she does! but she also likes very, very short haircuts. And we discovered that baby powder and short haircuts are not mutually excluding. Au contraire!
Special features:
– English subtitles of the main dialogs.
Technical specifications:
Quality: Full HD 1920×1080 60fps
Length:  52:28 + 43:35 + 20:53
Type: Mullet to fade, Reshave with razor fade, and Tons of great stuff!
Camera: Action following
Model: Amanda White and Victoria
Location: All around Madrid, Spain
Production: European
Hair: Black Hair
Content: Three complete videos. This is an amazing Trilogy. This is what you were looking for: Amanda is an outstanding enthusiast of very short hair, like all of us. And she shows her full Glory in this video. Believe me, this is the next level. Or Not. Don’t believe me. Anyways, this is the next level. This is the unstoppable future. Join us!
Additional Info:
– Long interview with Victoria, right after their haircuts were done, having a cup of wine.
They say very interesting things about their short hair enthusiasm.
-You will see Amanda White in her own environment
-She’s absolutely amazing and cool, you’ll see, my friend!-She’s Oustanding!
-She’s one of us. The Short N Chic Family. Maybe, you should join us!
-And of course, lots of dusting included!!

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